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Projet Ego: ErikaIl s’agit de la dernière version du jeu, en français.Un PC WINDOWS est nécessaire pour jouer à ce jeu.D’autres options seront disponibles cet été.Performance moyenne : 720p @ 30 fps.Paramètres graphiques : faibles.MÉMOIRE VIVE : 2 GO.Système d’exploitation : Windows 7 ou plus récentEspace disque : 4,8 Go.

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12/30/2022 The most recents comments:
Finished the game!
Good work! That was a really enjoyable game, I had a great time. I really appreciated the ambiance, it
was actually pretty damn creepy at times, which I liked. The setup, too, was really cool, and really helped
draw me into the story. I really liked the use of FMV in the game as well. I really want to know how you were
able to film in all of those diverse locations with no one around. The variety in the locations is really nice, too.
A great job, and I’m very pleased with my purchase and time playing the game.

Another one from today:
I just finished a route of your game. I got ending B . I had a really good time playing it. I thought it was incredibly ambitious and interesting. I really liked your directing style and can’t wait for more/future games from you.

12/19/2022 The most beautiful comment: (Translated from french)
¨Great gaming experience, filled with poetry when you look closely! The prism through which the subject is approached is full of relevance and tenderness while exploiting the cracks in the human soul, with hope always in the background. An innovative and refreshing concept that pushes us to reflect on an increasingly hostile and degrading society… Some gaps of course, on the narration or editing side but a benevolence emerges from the whole… In short, a success!!!¨

12/17/2022 The first comment: (Translated from french)
¨I played your game frankly it’s great I started it again two or three times to see every scene.¨

Can believe or not, but no other comment at the moment

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