My name is Cyril Boutadjine and I am 38 years old.
At the age of 10, I was creating games with pieces of paper to “emulate” physical video games. To play with my friends and family especially.
By the time I was a teenager, I had pushed the concept to make mini-games that would be very similar to what “hero-quest” did. We played a lot on the Street Fighter universe.

When I was 18 years old I discovered that it was easy, with a little time and patience, to create small video games. RPG MAKER, GAME MAKER, DARK BASIC, FPS CREATOR, the list is long.
Until recently, I created a whole series of games between hentai and RPG. Most of them are available here:
Some of them had their little success like the last woman:
Of course all this was amateurish, fan-games using sprites and music from a multitude of media.
I’m a big RPG fan. My influences range from Final Fantasy, Elder scroll, Baldur’s gate, or series like Dark-Soul, to a whole bunch of indie games. I can proudly say that I’ve finished more than a hundred of them^^
I also had my time in pornography for two years, as an actor and director. Here I’ll avoid putting links, but I didn’t like what I saw in that environment. Particularly the image that is given to women in the vast majority of productions. After I understand that we create fantasy, but the reality of the treatment of women in this field is a social struggle in itself, but that’s not the subject here. I have my own beliefs and morals. All actors and actresses are paid much more than what is done on the market in France. Moreover, all the actors and actresses get royalties for life on each game that will be sold.
This is probably a bit long, but it’s important for me that you know with what ethics I work on my projects. I’m open to any question on the subject ^^

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